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Key 2

Unlocking an Affordable Future: Key #2 Support and Equip Clinicians SUPPORT AND EQUIP CLINICIANS WITH TOOLS AND DATA TO SERVE PATIENTS OPTIMALLY Physicians, pharmacists, and other health care providers are valued employees within pharmacy benefit companies and esteemed healthcare partners outside

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PBM Policy Forum 2016

Pharmacy benefit managers are at the forefront of implementing innovative contracting techniques that better align the cost of medications with their value. By offering additional tools to manage specialty drugs, including the use of specialty pharmacies, PBMs and payers are
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The Medicare Prescription Drug Rebate Rule The Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit provides our nation’s seniors with affordable drug coverage, which is more important now than ever. The rebate rule clumsily attempts to eliminate the primary tool used by

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Ray Marsella

Senior Advisor, MedImpact Mr. Marsella is currently a Senior Advisor at MedImpact. He has more than 20 years of experience in healthcare and pharmacy benefit administration and management. He was promoted to Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing at the

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