Specialty pharmacies were established in direct response to the industry’s need to better procure, store, and dispense specialty drugs, as well as better manage therapy for patients on specialty drugs. Among other things, these pharmacies specialize in the unique storage and shipping requirements that oral, injectable, inhalable, and infusible products require. Pharmacists and personnel working for these specialty pharmacies provide patient education and clinical support beyond the capabilities of a traditional retail pharmacy.

Specialty pharmacies must offer a full range of clinical and operational services to enhance the safety, quality, and affordability of care for patients receiving specialty medications. Since retail and manufacturer-affiliated pharmacies are not typically equipped to manage the full range of products and services that PBMs and payers require for the distribution and management of specialty drugs, they rely on the technology and expertise of specialty pharmacies to properly dispense these drugs.

Specialty pharmacies continually develop new capabilities to serve the evolving needs of patients, providers, payers, and drug manufacturers.


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